Thursday, December 3, 2009
My Salad Days
Heheh last time i got this crazy dream, i came back to my high school period! Or even more awesome i came back from junior high school! Feels weird coz i see lots of familiar person but with their high school face plus the uniform.
I don't understand why but I'm so happy on that dream, but does that mean i'm not happy at the moment? ahh who knows :) but its still a sweet dream! What about you? Whats ur sweetest dream experience?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Quote Bouth DEATH and FUTURE

Just a short entry, found this nice word somewhere when reading a story about people that want to suicide, and there's lots of comment that encourage people not to kill themselves. Here's few of my favorite and also few quotes about futures/dream/hope that i've been wanted to share since i came back from Malaysia:
"Don't need to pick up DEATH coz one day DEATH will pick you up"
"Winner and whiner are 2 different things with different future"
"Hope is the reason we wake up in the morning"
"Happiness only belongs to people who doesn't give up!"
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination"
"God doesn't give us the right to LIVE but the right to FIGHT for it"
Still have lots to share tho, BUT to be honest i forgot most of them, sooooooooo Today i make a promise to myself everytime i find a nice word I'll share it in here. So keep in touch and drop a comment k ;) Oh btw if you have any nice quote share it in here so i could update it in my blog!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Yahoo(AX) verivication Alert
The Mail subject would be : Yahoo! Verification Alert!!! (KMM69467VL055834KM)
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So don't fall for it ok, real yahoo staff would not ask for ur password etc :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Gaining Through Losing

This one going to be a really short entry trust me. Sometimes in life we often trade things/time/experience for new stuff. Like by loosing your job you gain freedom. But sometimes things go out of hands. Is freedom something that i really want?
Today good quotation from One Piece Movie #2 "if you don't risk your life, you can't create a future" so sometimes you HAVE to loose something to move advance and find whats ur future. Oh well only God knows whats best for me :)
Drop Comment or leaving something on the chat box maybe about your thought? pake bahasa indonesia juga boleh kok :) next entry will be soon so stay tuned.
*picture taken from i did not make it or own it.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Me, Myself and a gay?

Well mungkin judulnya agak ambigu yah. Jangan bingung emang sengaja dibikin ambigu kok biar laku :p tapi jgn keburu tutup windows nya karena entry kali ini mayan lucu sedikit kok, dan ada bbrp penting buat cowo terutama, yah mungkin juga buat cewe yah?
Jadi belakangan ini gw sering banget dapet miscall dari nomer esia. Setelah agak2 keki karena tiap kali diangkat kg perna ngomong. Siapa yang kg kesel? akhirna setelah merelakan pulsa gw (well actually kg rela sih) gw kirim sms singkat yang isinya tanda tanya, karena esia kan per karakter jadi ya the shorter it is the better it be. Dan buntut punya buntut ternyata ini orang iseng. Ngakunya namanya *sensor* (maklum blog gw kan dibaca banyak orang takutnya yang bersangkutan baca) pas gw tanya dapet nomer gw dari mana katanya dia random aja. Trus birahi banget lagi ngajak kenalan nya. Gw kan serem, bayangin gw yang cowo aja serem.
Sebenernya sampe sekarang juga gw belom tau si dia cowo ato cewe, tapi buat aman nya kg usa dilayanin :D. So let it be a mystery. Dari sini gw belajar beberapa hal, gw akan coba jabarin dibawah.
#1. Ngajak kenalan via sms itu bad idea. Karena gw yang cowo aja berasa insecure berat apalagi cewe.
#2 Kalo sms jangan pake bahasa aqyu, mawyu, ada dech, dan berbagai macem bahasa laennya, karena kalo iya berarti selamat anda baru dapet poin +50 dalam bidang gayness (no offense to gay ok ;o)
#3 Don't rush things. Kalo misalnya emang cuman orang iseng ngajak kenalan meskipun cowo pasti gw layanin. Who knows ternyata dia tetangganya siapa gitu yang someday bakal bikin gw pejabat? tapi ada sesuatu yang salah di sms ini yang bikin gw ngerasa baeknya kg usa di bales ini sms.
Well to make it short, maybe in 1 or 2 days i'll find out who this guy (or girls) is. So stay in tune :) Meanwhile share your thought ato mungkin klo males komen dibawah via chat box yang selalu setia nongkrong di kanan =========>
p.s : secret ok, actually i'm a lesbian :p
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Lesson of life pt.1

Dari dulu emang uda kepengen banget bikin series ini
bahkan uda dibikin loh tipe entry yang ini
cuman karena emang males jadi agak jarang nulis
semoga abis ini bisa nulis rutin lagi deh :)
Jadi pembaca yang tercinta lesson of life hari ini adalah
*bletak* (disambit bata karena sok bijak)
gak gak, hari ini gw pengen bercerita mengenai slogan yang uda
sering kita denger, well mungkin, at least buat gw ;)
Better to have half than to have none setelah google ternyata
kalimat itu berdasarkan dari cerita raykat yang kurang lebih isinya begini
A boy put his hand into a jar of filberts and grasped as many as his fist could possibly hold. But when he tried to pull it out again, he found he couldn't do so, for the neck of the jar was too small to allow the passage of so large a handful. Unwilling to lose the nuts, but unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears. A bystander, who saw where the trouble lay, said to him, "Come, my boy. Don't be so greedy. Be content with half the amount, and you'll be able to get your hand out without difficulty."
bukan ngak setuju sih, tapi di jaman yang sekarang ini gw berpikir untuk
menyempurnakan kalimat ini supaya lebih sesuai dan nael banget
kalimat yang udah gw sempurnakan menjadi
better to have half than to have none eventough its best to have all
sounds greedy? well maybe tapi ngak ada salahnya kan berharap
dan berusaha untuk yang terbaik. Pembaca pernah kg berada di situasi
better to have half than to have none? ato mungkin ada yang better to
have none than to have half?? please start sharing ;)
klo males komen seperti biasa chat box di kanan ======>
Sunday, March 1, 2009
God Save the KING!!
Setelah nangis duit, salto terbalik, dan kayang lurus. Akhirnya perjalanan selama 3 1/2 tahun di BiNus selesai juga. I would be lying if i said that it's not impressive at all. Banyak banget hal berkesan yang gw dapet dan tentu aja hal sedih.
sayang banget ada hal2 yang baru gw dapet di semester terakhir gw kuliah. Temen2 maen dota dadakan gw selama 1 semester. Freddie Tanuwijaya n Hans Mulyadi yang hobi fitnah bilangnya gw yang ngajakin maen, parah ah lu orang!! Anthony yang selalu kabur paling cepet coz kerja. Himawan Purnama duel pertama kita yurnero vs jarakal~
Hendra Putra, yang selalu mau berkorban make hero itu2 aja lu sosok yang keren man, gw yakin lu pasti sukses jadi orang ntar gw inget perna diskusi sama satu orang klo orang paling baek yang gw kenal ya elu, selalu sigap nolong dan kg banyak omong heheh you ROCK MAN!~!
gw inget maen dota sama lu orang banyakan kalahnya apalagi klo di Empo tapi paling ngak lu orang ngerti arti bermain “playing supposed to be fun!” *baca loe rif!!*
Selaen itu juga untuk teman-teman di oracle 3 semester yang singkat, wish i could know each one of you better one by one, tapi sayangnya kita semua orang pinter
jadi terpaksa materi oracle kita lahap dalam 3 bulan perjalanan ke carita berkesan banget XD bisa ketawa ketiwi kayak orang gila abis skripsi abis, apalagi pas maen kartu
ketauan dah yang mental-mental penjahat kapan2 kita pergi lagi ok?
Tidak lupa juga disini saya menyanjung 2 teman skripsi saya *p.s: penulis dapet B loh "AYO SEMUA JOGET!!"* Hans yang sering begadang sampe pagi sama gw kita kerjain skripsi sambil seling seling maen dota it was fun~ dan saat2 paling menyenangkan pas berkeluh kesah menakut2i diri sendiri dan memaki2 teman skripsi gw yang laen yaitu bapak Arif Mulyawan yang selalu tidur pulas PLUS ngorok semoga lu tobat sadar pak lu itu kaga ganteng, perut buncit, NGOROK dan kesalahan fatal laennya. klo punya cewe lagi setia bro, untung lu putus klo kg bisa2 skripsi kita yang putus :p
Thanks juga buat kelompok Anthony, Freddie n Hendra, itu kelompok skripsi kita bukan 3 tapi 6 (well actually 5 minus Arif tapi dia mayan berguna lah buat pelampiasan gw).
Dosen-dosen keren yang gw punya ada yang cantik, ada yang jail ada yang selalu kasih dukungan moral dengan kuat!! sayang semua dosen binus nga kayak bapak n ibu sekalian XD I promise, I will repay all of you someday!!
Hal laen yang juga berkesan adalah gw single selama 3 1/2 taun ini bukannya ngak ada yang cocok sih cuman kebetulan aja cewe yang gw suka kaga suka sama gw sedih yah??? tapi paling ngak gw masih bisa jaga prinsip gw one girl at a time ;) for those who i once gave my heart thanks for giving it back XD
Teman-teman dari HIMTI juga, well lebih tepatnya temen yang penulis punya rata-rata dari himti sih, klo di tag 1-1 kayaknya ngak bakal kelar! Dan kalo gw udah sebut satu nama pasti yang laen rebutan menta disebut, blog gw kan terkenal gitu loh!!! Gw bakal dibilang pembohong klo gw bilang tahun-tahun di HIMTI berjalan mulus, ada saat dimana gw slek sama orang sampe akut berbagai skenario dan drama baik yang mungkin dirancang oleh orang laen ato bukan tapi semua itu gw harap menjadikan kita lebih dewasa kita mungkin berbeda pendapat tapi kita semua satu tujuan untung HIMTI yang lebih baik, kalian tidak tergantikan. I love you people <3
Thanks khusus kepada sodara Martono yang sudah dengan kerennya membius saya supaya masuk HIMTI bukan yang laen *no gay topic and royalty topic plx :p*
Kepada teman-teman kelompok belajar yang uda ngebantu gw ngehemat uang, dengan mencegah gw membayar uang semester tambahan ato mungkin uang BP3 kepada pihak BiNus. I owe you my score~ Sayang gw murid yang bebal jadi nilainya ngak bisa lebih tinggi lagiThanks berat guys <3
Umm segitu dulu ntar klo ada yang gw inget pasti gw tambahin Ketika gw masuk BiNus gw ngak tau pilihan gw salah ato benar tapi kalian semua yang membuat ini menjadi bener Sekarang penulis sudah menyelesaikan chapter V dalam hidupnya ngak ada yang tau kapan cerita ini bakal berakhir tapi penulis pengen di chapter VI lebih ada cinta n petualangan wish me luck ok ;) dan semoga kalian pembaca yang budiman siap menjalani chapter kehidupan kalian yang selanjutnya
God Has Saved the KING!!
Now the KING will walk forward!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Selamat para S. Kom
entah S. Kom nya ini ntar bakal jadi
komputer, kompor, komersial (pedagang glodok) ato apapun
yang jelas kalian sudah sukses jadi S. Kom
list bakal terus diupdate kok, kalo mau ditulis, bilang aja :)
apalagi klo yang lupa ditulis :D
Gunawan Liaw S. Kom
Lydia Theodore S. Kom
Benedicta Tiffany S. Kom
Cipit S. Kom? *kg tau nama asli lu pit sumpeh*
Candra Dewi S. Kom
Agnes Idris S. Kom
Nita Krizia S. Kom
Alung S. Kom (kg tau lung nama asli lu maap)
Anto S. Kom
Willy Wijaya S. Kom
Fransisca Hana S. Kom
Helen K. S. Kom
Bobby Limitra S. Kom
Rangga K. S. Kom
Roy S. Kom
Hendri S. Kom
Erika Untung S. Kom
Juliarto S. Kom
Corryna Apritasari S. Kom
S. Kom Spesial pake TELOR (dapet A)
Sherly Isabela S. Kom
Lom Sidang Entah Kapan non korban ATL
Winart Widjaja
William Louis
Vanny Valleria
Calon/Terancam S. Kom korban ATL
Freddie T
Anthony K.
Hendra P.
Hans I.
Arif M.
J. Nathanael
Deny Y.
Himawan P.
Mellisa S.
Vincent A.Y.
Anastasia S.
Well sekali lagi selamat menempuh hidup baru sebagai S. Kom. Buat yang belom sidang termasuk saya, semoga tetep kuat menghadapi kejamnya hidup XD
Penulis yang sedang bosen dan depresi
Friday, February 6, 2009
dia bangkit dari kubur :D
dia tidak bernafas selama 1 bulan
mengalami koma parah selama 1 bulan
dan akhirnya setelah genap 3 bulan, pada hari ke 3
dia bangkit dari koma nya itu
dan siap membantu saya
pengumuman nomer xl gw yang
0817 65 65 xxx
itu uda aktif lagi dan siap dihubungi
klo yang sempet cari2 gw *sok eksis* selama 3 bulan kmaren
mohon maaf, keuangan yang cekak (bohong) dan kemalesan (yang amat sangat)
membuat hal tersebut susah terlaksana
Readers pernah kg si males sampe segitunya?
Padaal kan komunikasi penting ya kg si?
dari sini juga jadi ketauan siapa aja yang suka nyariin ato ngak
tapi tenang penulis bukan orang beken jadi ngak banyak yang merasa
kehilangan. Sempet juga si berasa sedih coz kg ada yang nyariin
tapi oh well~
gimana? tertarik buat coba? matiin hp seminggu liat siapa aja yang nyariin
p.s: biar murah pake simcard yang lagi masa tenggang asal jgn bablas aja
Monday, January 5, 2009
Dreams of 2008 and New Year Resolution
Merry (belated!?) X'Mas 2008
happy belated new year 2009
Usually every year i wrote down my new year resolution on someplace which will get lost soon. So this year i think I'll share my new year resolution with you guys. This new year kinda boring for me because nothing special and i fell sick XD oh well but that's something new to celebrate new year in almost 20 year of my life ;)
This entry was also written because there is some nice word that i read on one of the forum that i join. The word is like this
"What will you do if you wake up and realize that the last 6 year of your life is only a dream?"
Simple question yet tricky to answer. I believe that as a human we always never had enough, and we always wanted to change the past. So rather than look back 6 year ago (which i have forgotten what i have done in 6 year anyway XD) i prefer to look back in this 1 year.
2008 year has been a great year. Lots of things happen starting from the first day of 2008 where for the first time i celebrate new year not in my house but on someplace in Kelapa Gading watching firework in a rain. After that i barely remember what happen so i will write down few things that i remember in 2008. Last year the girl i had crush for almost than 3 years give me somethings for my birthday party which makes me feel really happy. Little incident happen that almost makes my lil precious present gone, but thanks to that now I know my own feeling. My birthday party in 2008 is the best ever, for the first time i got more than 2 present :p poor me for being happy on 5-7 present only eh?
After that my trip to join AYF because e-mail that was sent by one of my favorite lecturer. And luckily AYF 6th takes place in Japan. Place that I've been wanting to go for so long!! Surprisingly over there its not only the beauty of Japan that makes me feel thankful to join that event. But there i also could meet with tons of participant (student and few amazing lecturer) from all around Asia. I learn about their dedication, passion and manage to see how small i am in this big world! There i meet few good friend that i hope i could keep in touch as long as possible! AYF 6th is the place where i learn to trust and keep faith on other people again. Thanks prof Kip Cates for creating such a wonderful event. Until now i haven't actually finish the entry on what i do over there. And i don't think it will ever finished because i started to forget the detail i do over there, hopefully i could finish it this month! I don't want the precious memories consumed by time that i cannot remember it anymore.
2008 was also the year where i learn to be more punctual. Few reason is one of my lecturer prohibited for his student to be late for his class, and he do that by doing quiz early in the class. So far I've skipped more quit than the quiz that i take (reason : my laziness). After i came back from Japan i think my time management became better. I realized one of the reason i can't be punctual is the environment where i live. In Indonesia it's really hard to be on time because EVERYONE is simply NOT on time! But I'll try to be punctual as long as i can and we will see how long i can do that ;)
On the end of 2008 the lecturer that make my AYF trip possible resign because of healthy reason. On behalf of those who has been taught by hear i would like to say my biggest gratitude to Mrs Henny Surya Ningsih for all the time and care given, especially to the 1st generation of applied database classes. We will never forget you (even if we might forget what you taught us XD, gomen!!) I also learn that resting is as important as working! (actually i my case i need to learn working is as important as resting)
And also 2008 is the year where i actually to decide to graduate early on somethings such as fun. I rarely go to internet cafe to play online game or such a thing anymore T_T and maybe some of my friend can't accept my early graduation on fun. Because my graduation also means i choose work upon someone's Birthday. Nevertheless once you graduate you can't back, end of conversation. So what i can do now is walk forward to reach my dream!!
So far that's all memorable event on 2008. So what would i do if its only a dream? The main purpose of this entry is to all of us to reflect that the time that has passed is not a dream. Therefore we always need to do our best in every situation. Time that has passed can't come back.
So based on that my 2009 new year resolution would be
1. Try to be punctual
2. Graduate on time
3. Hopefully i could join the 7th AYF
4. Finish 90% of the task given to me
5. Learn to say sorry for the 10% of the task that can't be done (hey I'm a realistic person, please note that!)
6. Get accepted on some place that sounds cool and cool for real!
7. Keep in touch with everyone, because friend is precious after all.
8. Figured out what i can do in life!
9. Dedicated my life for people that need
10. stop breaking my new year resolution that has been done since i-don't-remember-when
Well what about you? Have you do some reflection on the year that has past? If you haven't please do because people need to learn from mistakes, be thankful on what they have achieved, and strive to the future! If you have done it why don't you share your resolution with me??? Drop a comment k and i will reply back ;)